Monday, July 19, 2010

The Joys of Island Life!

There is no power and no water in the whole of Wallis Island - except at Sefos neighbour/bosses house who has a generator, and a direct link to the satellite for Internet!! Which is why I can blog and tell you about it!

Yesterday, the King took over the power company, and he, and his cabinet, decided they didn't want to let the company from Noumea run it. There was a guy from Africa who used to work there, did some dodgy things and got fired, and now the King has elected him to run the company! Dodgy?! I think so! And so does the rest of Wallis!! The King apparently hasn't thought about the practicalities of it all as they don't have enough money to pay for the gasoline to run the power...hence, no power!! We don't know how long it will last - maybe it will be fixed tomorrow, or maybe a month! We are certainly going to be smelly! And glad that we have a trip to Fiji coming up in 2 weeks!!
But at least we have Internet access!! Hopefully they fix the problems soon as everyone is really angry!!

Other than that, everything has been pretty much the same! I have got a little bit of work tutoring English - I'm currently working with a 12 year old boy a few hours a week - good to get a bit of pocket money! I have made a new friend, P, who is an English teacher at the Junior School - she is lovely and I have been helping her with her lesson plans and also playing with her 1 year old daughter, in Enlish, as she wants her exposed to as much as possible. It's fun, and its great to have something productive to do!!

I'm looking forward to my mates E and R coming to visit Wallis in a week (for a week, then we head to Fiji together!)...I hope the power is back on for them!! it certainly will be an experience for them either way!!

I made Beef Bourgingon (or however it is spelt!) the other day - and man, it was awesome! I think its a contender for my signature dish!!

Tonight, we get to eat all the food that is defrosting in the freezer!!
Bon Apetite!!

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